Our Animal Ambassadors

Those of you who have seen us conduct programs know that we view our education animals as valuable education tools — ambassadors for their wild cousins. They are not pets and we never treat them as such. However, to help staff and volunteers in identifying each animal, we have given each of our education animals a name. We find that children, in particular, can more easily relate to the animals if they have a name. With this in mind, we'd like to introduce you to our "Cast of Characters.”

Part of our mission is to provide a permanent home for more than fifty non-releasable wild animals that are either too sick or too injured to go back into the wild. We've provided biographies for several of these animals below, but they do not account for a full list of all animals that are cared for by Ohio Nature Education. These animals are as follows:

Barn Owl
Virginia Opposums
Big Brown Bats
Evening Bat
Striped Skunks
Eastern Box Turtles
Albino Corn Snake*
Corn Snake*
Honduran Milk Snake*
Curly-Haired Tarantula*
Mexican Red Knee Tarantula*

* denotes non-native animal

Southern Flying Squirrels
Great Horned Owls
Barred Owls
Peregrine Falcons
Red Tailed Hawks
Red Shouldered Hawks
Eastern Screech Owls
American Kestrels
Turkey Vultures
Eurasian Eagle Owl*